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Hello boys and girls and thank you for coming along to visit my modest little site. The idea of posting and sharing photos on the web emerged a long time ago but it takes time and patience to put all this together to what you see today and in fact this is just a start. I have been listening to music since my childhood and grew up in the industrial part of Germany near the Ruhrgebiet during the good old eighties to the sounds of Nina Hagen, Visage, Depeche Mode, Fad Gadget, The Cure, Blondie and all other famous New Wave and Neue Deutsche Welle artists that were played night and day on the radio by then.

I later on developed around the age of sixteen a special interest for the so called Goth and Wave scene and for alternative lifestyle in general, several trips to Germany and the UK deeply shaped my inner taste and ears. Nowadays in 2013 the word Goth doesn't have the same meening as it had then, we would now call it Post Punk maybe or whatever. So I got fascinated by bands such as Joy Division, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus or the Virgin Prunes to name just a few and followed the music of these kind of bands and started to go to concerts and clubs where they played these kind of sounds. With the years I also got interested in many other types of music so from time to time you may find pictures which are not specifically related to the Wave scene but however represent artists and talents which for some kind of reason I do value and appreciate...

When the digital camera arrived on the market I started to shoot a lot of pictures during gigs as most of us do, and stored all this on hard drives where they are still asleep. The passion of music, be it rock or more specifically Post Punk and Cold Wave has remained alive in me until this very day and so I have kept on making pictures from time to time during gigs, to keep like a  little something of it all. Music is memory, music is immortal and eternal, music, our music, is the soundtrack of our own life through good and bad times.

I love making pictures of my favourite artists but have no particular pretention with regard to photography itself. I just do pictures when I feel like doing so, with no particular plan or technique, sometimes I shoot like crazy, sometimes only a couple of pictures because I then prefer concentrating on the gig or simply feel like dancing or mixing up with the crowd on first raw and join the pogo.

When I get home I then check what I brought back from the eve, if it has any value and if there is anything nice to do with it. What you see here on the Fusebox is just a small selection of pictures I liked for what they expressed, be it a feeling or a particular athmosphere or movement. All this is made in pure DIY style like in good old punk days when those who didn't know how to play just grabbed an instrument and rocked the shit out of us and later on became rock legends, although I would never have this pretention... I hope you do have fun in visiting this site and will like one or two pics here and there.

Should you wish to use any of my pictures please contact me and we'll see what we can do, I don't want my pictures to travel around the web without a proper visa, this is why each picture here has been marked and compressed into a smaller format, originals are usually very heavy files.

Enjoy the show and most of all, keep the spirit of music alive, go to gigs and support your local bands, record dealers and favourite artists as they are the ones who bring us joy and magic.

I dedicate this site to the one and only of my heart and soul.

Rock on, dream and believe ...


© 2013 by François D. PHOTOGRAPHY. No musicians were harmed in the making of this site, at least I hope.

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